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Don't Throw Away That Box!

These are some amazing ideas to reuse that empty
cereal, diaper, kleenex, cracker box!
Check them out and click on their links to get full tutorials!

...from cereal box to Boo Bucket!

...from box to play oven!

...from diaper box to file folders


...from box lid to movie night concession box!
found @ Kaboose

...from cereal box to adorable snowman!
found @ Someday Crafts

...from cereal box to tote!

...from Kleenex box to crayon caddy

image found HERE

...from shoe box to recipe box!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! :)


1 Natalie said...

CRAP!!! Today, I just threw a bunch of cereal boxes and other little boxes I coulda used. DARN IT! DARN IT!! DARN IT!!!

2 Rachel said...

Hi there! I'm Rachel from mamastellato.blogspot.. Thank you for your nice comments!!

-Your new follower
Rachel :)

3 Robin {keephomesimple} said...

Thanks so much for featuring me! There are so many creative things you can do with a box! Who woulda known??? Love your site!
~Robin @keephomesimple

4 emilyc @ Sew Super Sweet said...

Thanks for stopping by Sew Super Sweet, I appreciate the visit! And I am equally impressed with your site as well! What a clever idea and a great way to build community! I LOVE all the ideas on recycling....I am the kind of girl who will bring home my aluminum cans from work every day, so these are SO great! :) Keep up the good work!

5 Cat said...

Hey girl!!! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog Budget Blonde! It means the world to me and I appreciate it so much! I absolutely love your site - what a great idea to bring so many crafts together to one page! Love it! Will def be coming back girl!

6 Stephanie - My Frugal Lifestyle said...

Thank you so much for featuring me today! Love your blog!

Stephanie @ My Frugal Lifestyle