
Trash to Treasure Tuesday!

 Welcome Back!
I love Tuesdays

I have something to share with you
this week that I transformed.
I found this at Goodwill for $2.99. I wasn't
 sure what I wanted to even do with it, but I knew
it had potential, so I bought it and
brought it home. After staring at it for awhile...

I painted it, sanded it, mod podged it, blinged it, and
 I came up with this!

I am happy with the way it turned out!
...I am thankful for our Prophet!

It's time to link up YOUR trash!


  1. i linked up, but not sure if i did the right thing! i found a steal and thought i would share! hope that is ok! another mans trash is another girls treasure!

  2. Hi! I am following you from FMBT. I love your site! I will definitely be stopping by often to check your projects; great ideas!

  3. Love your crafty blog.Stopping by to say Hi from FMBT.

    I am your new follower. Stop by for a visit when you get a chance.


  4. That is so cool! I am so impressed. I would love to do something like that with a picture of our prophet. Thanks so much for sharing!


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