If you know me, than you know that I LOVE kid crafts!! Every holiday I always strive to make at least a few crafts with my kiddos! Check out these fabulous ideas! Family Fun had a super cute and EASY idea making these cookie cutter painted shamrocks.
How cute are these little clover men, made from toilet paper tubes! Sweet and Lovely Crafts
How cute are these little clover men, made from toilet paper tubes! Sweet and Lovely Crafts
Chalk in my Pocket has a free rainbow printable lacing activity!
Dollar Store Crafts made this cute Leprechaun framed mirror.
How fun is MINT play dough from Family Education!
2 1/2 cups flour
1/2 cup salt
3 Tbs. oil
1 Tbs. alum
2 cups boiling water
food coloring
Add some sparkles and a drop or two of mint flavoring or extract. Mix together and that's it!
Make and Takes shared this "Make Your Own Pot of Gold!"
AHC Arts and Crafts made darling little clover hats
Amazing Moms made this "Pot O' Green Planter" using a small planter you can get at the dollar store!
Easy paper Leprechaun hat from All Kids Network
French Knots made these adorable Leprechaun beards using pipe cleaner and some yarn!
Toilet paper tube Leprechaun from Family Fun
Leprechaun hat from Kaboose made from an empty ice cream bucket!
Kiboomu madet this RAINBOW hat. See her sassy site for the template!
and last but certainly not least. What kid craft round up would be complete without a paper plate... My School Toolbox made this adorable Leprechaun man to hang on your wall!
and last but certainly not least. What kid craft round up would be complete without a paper plate... My School Toolbox made this adorable Leprechaun man to hang on your wall!
Happy Crafting!

Happy Crafting!

We're going to be planting seeds soon. My daughter would LOVE to make a pot of gold like that one. What a great round-up.
We just did a St. Patrick's day craft that you can see here http://helpinglittlehands.blogspot.com/2011/03/good-luck-bear-read-along-with-me.html
great ideas!
I am having a giveaway on my blog. Do stop and leave a comment to win.
$38 store credit + free shipping to select a cute backpack from Busy little hands
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