If you know me, than you know that I LOVE my flip flops! I must admit, the only time you'll catch me in tennis shoes is on the volleyball court. What do you say we celebrate the 1st day of summer by blingin' out some flip flops! Check out these ideas...
Did I miss anything? Link up your
blinged out flip flops here!

These all look cute, but I much prefer my plain ole hemp Rainbows. =]
They are so cute! My daughter actually loves flip flops!! Glad that I found your blog!!!
CUTE! I LOVE jazzing up flip flops! Went to Old Navy on the $1 Flip Flop day and stocked up :)
Hee hee, my toes are too hideous to join in this week, Marni!
I actually peeked in and got excited about your flip flop round up and then saw my 4th of July ones! HOW FUN IS THAT? Thank you so much! LOOOOOOOOVE this blog!
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