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"HeLLo FRieNd" ParTy!

I had so much fun at our last new friend party, I decided to do it again!  I am including anyone who has had a blog for 1 year or less to play along!  I have provided you with some questions so we can get to know you better. I think it would be fun to do a post on your blog all about getting to know YOUand then link it back here so we can meet you! So, play along and link up! You can answer any or all of the following questions. We'd love to meet you!! OH... and I would love to be your friend over at Pinterest too!

Why did you decide to start blogging?
When you aren't blogging, what are you doing?
What is your blog about?
When do you find the time to blog?
Why do you love blogging?
What is your favorite post so far that you've written?
If you don't want to answer any of these questions, that's okay! It's not required! :) Just link up your blog so we can come and meet you!


1 Jodi @ Organizing Dolo said...

Can I play? I started the blog over a year ago but with only a couple of entries. I didn't actually start posting until February of this year.

2 Thrifty Crafty Girl said...

I've got a post ready to link up... but I'm extremely OCD about posting, so it won't publish until 6am tomorrow. I know, I'm ridiculous. But at 6 tomorrow morning, I'll link up! Thanks for hosting!

3 Unknown said...

Thank you Marni for hosting another new craft blog linky! Can't wait to get to know everyone!

4 Lindsay Artsy-Fartsy Mama said...

Thanks for hosting, Marni! What a fun party! :)

5 Terri @ A Creative Princess said...

This is going to be fun! Thanks, Marni!

6 Amy said...

This is really cool! I'm a new follower, and I can't wait to join this party! :)

7 Jodi @ Organizing Dolo said...

Sorry for posting twice. The linked site really destroyed my logo. It apparently does not like JPEGs. If you're able to delete #36, that would rock. I know that ugly logos (like how mine appeared after it was uploaded) can prevent people from check a site out.