
Friday Night

at Sassy Sites!
Tonight's question is:
If you just won 1 million dollars,
what is the FIRST thing you would buy/do?
(BESIDES get out of debt!)
I'll start!
Without a doubt, I would purchase something that our family has been dreaming about for A.LONG. time now! Remember how we love camping so much? Well, if I won a million dollars, I would purchase a...
 few campin' toys!
(package deals are permitted!)
one of these...
one of these...
and a few of these for the boys!
And I'll just throw in the toy-hauler while I'm at it!
it's pretty much just pocket change!
What would be your
 FIRST purchase
with 1 million dollars?
(remember, you CAN'T say get out of debt!)
Have a wonderful night and don't forget to join us
tomorrow morning for some Saturday Shout outs!


  1. We would new cars! The hubby wants a Dodge Challenger, and I have no idea what I would want. Something big enough to fit a car seat behind my tall husband, but not too big!

  2. I would buy my grandmother a house! Then take the rest for stuff we love!

  3. I would buy new cars & probably a new lawn mower... haha... ever practical... then I'd go on a little shopping spree... then we'd invest a bunch...

  4. LAND! in south dakota. lots and lots of it. then we could have family reunions and go hunting and camping, oh what a dream!

  5. A small 10 acre farm with a pond. A place we can easily visit on the weekend. The boys can hunt/fish; the girl can run around in cool green grass; and the dog can run free! I can have a garden. The whole family can experience what it is like growing up in the country...at least on a part time basis.

  6. I would buy a white honda civic, brand spanking new and I would jaz it up! Totally a dream!

  7. Just one?? I would buy a big ol' hunk of land with a few houses, some animals and a huge garden. Then we'd all live off the land!

  8. I would pay for college then travel!

  9. I'd buy a house. And not a big one, just one the right size for our family of 6.

  10. OK, if you can't be practical and get out of debt, I would rent out Disneyland for the day with my family (and friends). After blowing most of my (tax-free million on memories) I would set up a trust for my grandkids (someday) so they didn't have to pay for college.

  11. I would buy a RV, big enough to take my stamping stuff :O) and go on a long vacation! :O)

  12. Buy a house , then buy a car

  13. I would buy a house!! We have been working so hard to pay of debt so we can move out and buy our first home!! I want that so bad I cant stand it :)

  14. Move out of Inbredville, North Dakota!

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  15. OK if we're just going to play...... Definitely a toy hauler for me! We go to RV shows all the time to dream and drool over them (we have a RZR and rented a toy hauler to go to Moab last year - had a blast!).

  16. I would go back to school for a second degree and buy a house!

  17. I would bye some killer shoes! :)

  18. I would be on a plane.......to anywhere!

  19. Start building our dream home out on our property (with a HUGE craft room, of course!). :)

  20. I'd opt for a house with a decent yard in which the kids could play instead of the postage stamp we have. Then with the some of what was left I'd buy the hub a blue mustang.

  21. All of these plus travel the world ;)

  22. The first thing? Take a vacation with my hubby to Hawaii :-) THEN I would buy a house (and not even worry about needing to sell mine!), two new vehicles and a great camper :-) That my package deal HA !

  23. I would buy a home in the mountains and a home on the east coast! Then invest the rest in churches and charities!

  24. I'd buy my dream horse and a barn to put him in! No more boarding horses for this girl!

    Dana @ craftedniche.wordpress.com


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