
ffa... WHEW!!

Welcome back to FFA... it's a free for all around here! It's true, it is. It's almost midnight and I just sat down for the first time today. Don't you just wish life would slow down a bit? Sometimes I feel like I have ran all day but really accomplished nothing. Do you ever have that feeling? I try and remind myself that I can't run faster than my legs can carry me, but then I find myself running in circles {again}trying to be a supermom.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about GRATITUDE. I think it's pretty fitting for the season, don't you! :) I am SO grateful for SO many things, but do I really sit down long enough to even enjoy the things that I am thankful for? My kids see me running around like a crazy woman... vinyl lettering, church callings, helping in the classrooms, football practices, grocery shopping, Home Depot, clean the bathrooms, finish homework, gottaupdatetheblog, make dinner, meetings, .... before I know it- it's midnight again!
So, I've decided that I'm taking a little break. I am going to slow down and be grateful. Obviously I can't take a break from EVERYthing... dinner must be served and bathrooms must be cleaned... dang it! But I am going to take a breather from blogging. I WILL be back in a week (...or so), don't you worry! ;) Thank you for understanding. Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for letting me vent to you tonight. Thank you for listening. 
I want to be the first to wish you a VERY
this cute printable was snagged from
Link up and have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family, friends, food, fun, memories, and LOTS of things to be grateful for!

Meet me back here on Monday, November 28th for more


  1. Good on you for taking a break! I recently posted about being super busy with my life on my blog too. It's hard work managing everything but you know what, I think we are doing it very well!

    Enjoy your bloggy break and I hope you have a wonderful, blessed and happy Thanksgiving!

    Best wishes,

  2. Wishing you a restful time during your break......

  3. Enjoy your week off! And thanks for hosting!

  4. Enjoy your break. We'll be here when you return. Make happy memories! xo

  5. Yes! take a break! Enjoy it and don't feel guilty!! We'll all be here, no doubt!!

  6. Marni, Have a wonderful break and enjoy your time with friends and family! Thanks for reminding us all to slow down and be grateful!!

  7. Enjoy your break! :) You deserve it! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

    Ginger @ gingersnapcrafts.com

  8. Marni, thank you for hosting!

  9. Thank you for giving me the chance to enter my post in your blog!

  10. Happy Thanksgiving to you, my friend. I'll be bugging you in person on your week off...so you won't be very rested ah ha hah!! XOXO

  11. Thank you for hosting! Have a happy Thanksgiving!


  12. Good for you for taking a break when you need it. Thanks for hosting the linky party.

  13. I literally almost peed my pants when I saw that you featured my printable!


    It's Mule 'n NAG--- by the way...


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