

I have been a little M.I.A. lately. I always have great intentions of blogging everyday but with the holidays in full swing, I just haven't had time. My little blogging break has actually been a blessing. You see, I've been feeling Über grateful lately! I've noticed more things around me that I have taken for granted. I guess that's what happens when I'm not blogging EVERY single second of EVERY single day. I have been able to enjoy some of the things that I am grateful for:

a wonderful husband who just celebrated his almost 40th birthday, amazing kids who teach me more than I could ever teach them, the most amazing mother who I can call at any moment of any day, a fabulous sister who makes my crafts look professional, super fun Young Women leaders that I get to serve with, the best Young Women a leader could ask for, my kids' wonderful school teachers who let me sneak in and help in the classroom anytime I want, and the GREATEST sassiest Sassy Sites readers that make me feel important!! I am truly thankful for each of YOU!
So, to make it up to you I am going to give you the schedule for next week! EVERY day will be a linkup day, so be sure to follow along! :)
Monday- turkeys
Tuesday- pilgrims
Wednesday- indians
Thursday- scarecrows
Friday- FFA
Grab a button for your sidebar
 so you don't forget to join us!

Everyday, I will share a few of my favorites from pinterest. Then you can linkup at the bottom of each post if you have something to add that goes with the theme for the day. Sound good? :)
Let's give a shout out to our new TOP SPOT for next week! This lucky winner is chosen randomly from last week's FFA party and she becomes the top spot AND the Sunday Spotlight. WooHoo! So, let's see who it's going to be...
Congrats Nikki!! I LOVE your blog! I feel like
 I gain 5 pounds everytime I visit! ;)
Alright! Let's party!
Link up as many times as you would like and link up anything you want! I can't wait to see all of your linkups! And remember, I feature my favorite on Saturday morning. YOU just might get a Saturday Shout Out!


  1. Thanks for hosting Marni! Excited to see all the Thanksgiving/Fall links next week!

  2. Yah step it up girl! ;) Jk! You knock our socks off, we live ya!! XOXO

  3. Lol! LOVE ya darn auto correct ;)

  4. New follower. Thanks for hosting!

  5. Oh darn, I put my blog button up and not my picture of the strawberries. Oh well..

    I'm your newest follower from the Friday Blog Hop. Would love it if you could visit and if you like my blog, follow me back. Http://www.thebewitchinkitchen.com

    I have a few giveaways going on right now too. Good luck!

  6. Marni, thanks so much for this fun linky!

    found you through the hop and am your newest GFC follower (YTBlushingBasics).

    hope you can take a minute to check out my beauty blog. xo


  7. glad to hear you're savoring your time off! can't wait to see all the fun thanksgiving project this week :)

    -rachel w k

  8. Thank so very much for having me today. I hope you have a relaxing and enjoyable weekend!

    Best wishes,

  9. Thanks for hosting! Love the parties! I've added the Salmon Baked in White Wine.


Comments make me happy! :)