
Dry Erase Fridge Menu

My fridge menu is now for sale at Open Sky!

"Last year I highlighted this FUN vinyl menu planner on my site and people went crazy for them.  I knew I had to bring them into my shop.  This menu planner is unique and clever and simply sticks to the front or side of your fridge as stylish decor with a very important purpose.  Use a reusable wipe off marker to mark right on your fridge what's going to be for dinner for the week.  Menu planning is a huge passion of mine and having a central location to keep track of your daily menu is a huge help to keeping you and everyone else in your family organized for the week.  Available in two sizes for you to choose from.  Pick up a vinyl menu planner today and make menu planning fun again!

New to menu planning and want more information on how it's done?  Visit my site orgjunkie.com, your menu planning headquarters."

Choose from: 
Small Vinyl Menu Planner (12" x 17")
Large Vinyl Menu Planner ( 24" x 35")

The SALE price ends in 2 days!
Go HERE to order yours!

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  1. This is awesome such a great idea. So nice to meet you just found your beautiful blog so happy I did. I have enjoyed looking around and I'm now following you, wonderful to meet new friends. Hope you find a spare minute to visit me sometime follow back if you like. I’m looking forward to keeping in touch in 2012.

    Always Wendy

  2. Thanks for being willing to work with me and Opensky. Love your product!!

  3. Is the whole menu planner made of vinyl, or is it just the black letters that transfer? When you write your menu on it, are you writing on your fridge surface, or on clear vinyl? Thanks!

  4. Just the black letters transfer. You write right on your fridge surface with dry erase markers. :)


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