
DIY Headboards

made this headboard using an old church pew
Design Dazzle
showed us how one of their blog followers created this Princess Castle headboard
Living With Lindsay
made this darling car headboard for her son's room!

Apartment Therapy
made this adorable chalkboard headboard
created this beautiful mantel headboard

Walliesmade this sweet vinyl headboard
made this fantastic headboard for only $15!

Orange Sugar
made an elegant padded headboard

Poppies At Play
created a headboard bench...brilliant!

Happy Headboarding!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! Such cute ideas! I love that church pew headboard!

  2. Thank you for stopping by Five Sixteenths! I love all the headboard ideas, my fave is the church pew! So innovative!

  3. These ideas are fantastic!

  4. What a great post! I love the church pew headboard. Thanks for all the inspirations- love your blog!

  5. Thanks so much for including my mantle headboard in your post!
    Wonderful ideas...great inspiration.

    Kimberly :-)

  6. Thanks for stopping by Jeremiah 29:11....love all the ideas you share!

  7. I know I am leaving this comment on an old post, so I hope you see it. For some reason I couldn't leave a comment on your most recent few posts...weird.

    Anyway, You've WON a giveaway at www.simplydesigning.blogspot.com

    Stop by to check it out here: http://simplydesigning.blogspot.com/2010/08/you-are-so-creative-and-winner.html

    And be sure to email me do I can get it to you!



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