
Made By ME Monday!

...or should I say
Makeover Monday!


I found this stool

the other day at the thrift store and paid $7.99 for it.
I wouldn't have normally paid THAT much
for something, but I really liked it!
I loved the white color that it had on it already,
 but gave it a new coat of white just so I could call it "mine"! :)

 Then, I found this yummy polka dot material

 over at Joanne's... LOVE it!

I couldn't find my staple gun,
so I went with the next best thing, screws and...

 thumb tacks!

 Hey, whatever works!

My niece found some adorable rose ribbon
while we were ribbon shopping, and I had to have it!!
So, I added it to the edges of my stool and...

What do you think? Do you like it with or without the ribbon?
I can't decide.

Don't forget to sign up for our Clip Cafe GIVEAWAY!
send in your entries for the header contest!


  1. I like it either! I know I'm not much help. :)

  2. I guess it's the polka dots, but I can't help but think of "I love Lucy" when I look at the stool. Love it!!

  3. Very shabby and cute! Nice job!

  4. Adorable !
    The rose ribbon makes it more glamorous, parfait !

    Btw, I'm your latest follower from Making Friends Monday
    Hope a visit from you

    Citra @ innocentia

  5. Too cute! I love the pink trim, really makes the whole thing pop!

  6. Turned out way cute! I love it with the ribbon.

  7. I love it both with and without the ribbon...two different looks but both beautiful.

  8. I LOVE that! I really like it with the ribbon. Dang...I should have seen that stool first! :) When are we going to again?

  9. depends what room in the house it's going in but either way is too cute. clever, marni!


  10. Admirer Monday:Following from http://smileadaygiveaways.blogspot.com
    Have a great Monday! Come enter to win over 45 Giveaways that end Sept 30th!

    super cute stool!

  11. You are SO crafty! And what a great pattern! I think I like it without the red ribbon.

  12. Hi Just calling by via the Monday blog hops. Hope you are having a wonderful start to the week. Great work. I love doing up furniture. Its amazing how it comes up.
    "Keep your heart open to dreams. For as long as there's a dream, there is hope, and as long as there is hope, there is joy in living."

    Come by and check out my new look blog. Sarah www.jamarahcraftycreations.blogspot.com

  13. really liked the polka dot transformation. Polka dots just make me happy. :) Then you took over the top with that red trim. Truly inspired and inspiring.
    Love it.

  14. I personally LOVE the red ribbon. I have a chair that may look good with a similar frill...I just LOVE this look!

  15. I LOVE the rose ribbon, but I like the stool better without the ribbon. Maybe if it was hot pink. Is it hot pink? or red? Totally cute either way. LOVE the polka dots. ;)

  16. i like it better without the ribbon - but i'm not the frilly type!


  17. I love it with the ribbon, it really cutes it up and makes it pop! I love this color combo~ black, white and red. Thanks for stopping by my blog today

  18. With the roses, totally. While it's cute w/o, the roses add that splash of color to make it really pop!

  19. so so cute! and i absolutely LOVE the ribbon! xoxo

  20. Stopping by from Sassy sites! This stool is adorable and I love the fabric!

  21. I adore how that turned out! If you would like to join in on another linky party, I would love to have you link up to mine :)

    ~Lori @ Paisley Passions
    Paisley Passions Linky Party Thrilling Thursdays

  22. How adorable!! I love your choices in color and fabric!

  23. I like it with the ribbon! It amkes the whole thing really pop, and makes it so fun. Great job on the redo...it looks awesome!

  24. You had me with the polka dots but then the red closed the deal for sure.
    Thanks for linking up to my Motivated Monday link party.
    Pam @ Becolorful

  25. love it! Thanks for linking up last week to Socialize with me Monday til Sunday


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