
aNd tHe eMmY gOes To...

if you haven't seen these, you are missin' out!
Seriously, these 2 movies are the
best kid movies in

The first runner-up is....
Despicable Me!
 Meet Gru. He likes all things wicked.
But, the world's greatest villain has
 just met his greatest challenge:
three little girls named Margo, Edith and Agnes.

Christmas Eve night, our boys opened
new jammies, a new movie, and a big bucket of popcorn!
 MOVIE NIGHT!! I think we just started a new tradition!

I highly recommend THIS movie!!

...and the winner is
This is a story of adventure, heart, humor,
and hair- LOTS of hair! The story of
Rapunzel... with a twist!
 My favorite movie of all time!

I took my boys to see it last night. I was a little nervous,
 because it sounded like maybe it was going to
be a "princess movie"... wrong! It has
 villains, heroes, and even a hilarious pub club!!
We LOVED it!
(I was actually sitting next to a couple that didn't even
have kids with them, and I think THEY loved it even more than I did!)

this movie is A. MUST. SEE!

and I have to throw in a few
honorable mentions

The Little Mermaid
Favorite Childhood Movie

Hottest Hero

The Lion King
Best Soundtrack

What's your favorite kid
movie of all time?


  1. Love your picks. I've heard great things about your top two movies. I need to see them! It would help if I had kids. I can't drag my husband to them. I'll see them on DVD. Happy New Year!!

  2. My favorite kid movie of all time would have to be Disney's Cars. I don't why...maybe because I have seen it countless times with the kids and it never gets old. :)

  3. I've also heard good things about both those movies! I really like the idea of the new tradition of getting jammies and a movie! SO sweet! Old movie now, but still one of my favorites: Disney's animated Robinhood!!

  4. Hands down lion king,this movie had me fall in love with africa. After my trip to africa this movie was even better! I love disny as a matter of fact I'm sitting in a disney airplane at the moment with disney music playing lovely. However non disney I would say fern gully!!

  5. Hands down lion king,this movie had me fall in love with africa. After my trip to africa this movie was even better! I love disny as a matter of fact I'm sitting in a disney airplane at the moment with disney music playing lovely. However non disney I would say fern gully!!

  6. thanks for hosting. i LOVED tangled too and havent seen the whole thing still!

    the wii game is super cute for it as well

    i'm gfc following


  7. I have seen both Tangled and Despicable Me and I completely agree. Usually, I don't see kids movies nowadays until they come out on dvd and have been there for a while so they are either really cheap or I am babysitting a cousin that watches it 5 times a day. However, I say both of these and was blown away. I enjoyed them so much. I laughed my head off, cried my eyes out and felt very satisfied when leaving the theater. Excellent picks.

    AubrieAnne @ http://whosyoureditor.blogspot.com/

  8. My favorite is still Winnie the pooh and the very bluster day. I have super 8 home movies of me watching it in a sleeper doing my stoutness exercises. They worked very well. LOL Can you say 1970? Loved it for a very long time.

  9. I am a Disney FANATIC...my blog is even named "Happily Ever After" lol.

    I cant wait to see those two... waiting for dvd release this week in Aus.

    All time faves? Oh so hard to pick.

    The Little Mermaid wins hands down.

    also on top of my list would be Cinderella, The Lion King, MARY POPPINS :-) and although its not disney, its great, Thumbelina (Jodi Benson who does ariel does thumbelina in it and so its magnificent musically :-)

    Oh my favourite kids movie of 2010 has to be Toy Story 3..what a fab ending to a great trilogy!

    lol...obsessed much?

  10. Loved Tangled!!! New favorite movie!


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