
Homemade Christmas Stockings Round UP!

I decided this year, I wanted to homemake stockings for our family. I found these oversized stockings at the end of the season last year for a couple of dollars. I added vinyl names to each and vinyl polka dots at the top... and there you go. This is as "homemade" as I get! (hey, it counts!) :)


3 Punk Mom made these adorable
Polka Dot stockings... CUTE!!
Sports Stocking for the man in her life!

Make it and Love it made these gorgeous
 satin- burlap stockings.

Topsy Turvy made these quilted ruffled stockings.
She has a full tutorial on her blog!


The Paisley Cupcake made her stockings
out of her son's old plaid shorts!


Mia Moo Designs made this darling
Ballerina Stocking for her daughter!

Link up your


  1. Thank you so much for the feature... what great company I'm in!! =)

  2. Wow, I'm so flattered! Thanks so much for featuring me :)

  3. Thank you so much for the feature! I'm so glad you liked my stockings! I had so much fun making them!


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