
Popcorn Tin Noise Maker!

Welcome to
Made By Me Monday!
We will be bringin' in the New Year with a
*Popcorn Tin Noise Maker*

Did you buy a popcorn tin this year for Christmas?
You know, the ones that have the 3 varieties of popcorn! If your family is like ours, your popcorn was gone Christmas Eve night! Don't throw it away... I've got something for you!

empty popcorn tin
mod podge
scrapbook paper
spray paint
bling, always! :)

mod podge your scrapbook paper to
 the outside of your popcorn tin

Print off a fun saying onto
 the scrapbook paper

I added some bling!

spray paint your lid to match :)
...and that's it!
Now, your kids will have something besides on old pot to
bang on to bring in the New Year!
(and believe me, this thing is LOUD!!)

(don't you just love his chocolate milk mustache!)

total time spent: 30 minutes
total money spent: none :)
Really... if you wanted to make this project SUPER easy,
you wouldn't even need to do anything! It's fun enough just to
make the NOISE!


  1. Cute idea! I love how simple it is!

    I came over to visit from Keeping it Simple.


  2. Love love love that cute little boy!!! And the idea is genius! I have one from last year that I hung on to just in case I found an idea like this to use it with!! I know that makes you cringe huh!!

  3. What a great idea. Turned out so cute. The tin too. Love that boy!

  4. Love it, and I love that is costs nothing! Your blog is awesome!! One of my favs.

  5. That is great. Ms. Diva loves pounding on anything to make noise, LOL! Kids and noise... they go hand in hand.

  6. What a great idea! I totally want one to bang on. :D

  7. Something perfect for New Years!
    Thanks for linking up. I noticed my button is going to my old blogspot address. This is easily fixed if you just look at the code of the button and change the blogspot.com part to .net

    Happy New Year!

  8. Do you mind looking up the pendant you used online and posting a link? We don't have a hobby lobby and I was not able to find it online.

  9. Anonymous, sorry I don't have a link for the pennant. My friend actually made the SPOOKY one at a craft class she went to and she taught me how. It's my own version of it! :) You could go to any craft store to find the supplies you need. I hope that helps! Good luck! xoxo

  10. THis is such a cute idea!! I really want to try it out.. my kids would so love it!!!

  11. Very creative re-use. Everyone has one of those. Happy New year.

  12. I have a bunch of these - I just might have to make this happen! I'm including you in my Friday Favorites this week!

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