
"Sick as a Dog"

...that's what I've been!

I've had the barky cough...haha, get it... BARKY...sick as a DOG! Anyway, It started last Friday and got worse. By Sunday, I had a temperature of 103... my eyeballs felt as though they were melting right out of my head. I am happy to report that this morning when I woke up, I'm feeling like a new person! I've got an antibiotic in me (finally) and I feel like I can actually be a MOM again! So, here are a few TIPS of things you should clean when you FINALLY begin to start feeling better.

•Change the bedding. Give your pillows the dryer treatment, maybe even accompanied by a lavender sachet. Even if it doesn't kill all the germs, your bedding smells clean and fresh.

•Replace or clean your toothbrush. Throw your old toothbrush away! If you have an electric toothbrush, change toothbrush's brush head. 

•Your door knobs and sink handles. Especially the ones leading to the bedroom and the bathroom. Heck, just give the bathroom a good cleaning while you're there! :)

•The refrigerator handle. This is one that most people forget to do.

•The thermometer. Give it a good wipe down with alcohol.

•Disinfect the little things! Think of things you may have touched often... the phone, the remote, light switches, computer keyboard, etc.

and finally...

Wash your hands often and keep a bottle of antibacterial close by so the yuck can hopefully STAY AWAY!!

So, with all of this being said, I haven't been the best blogger this week. I haven't felt like doing much of anything! Sorry! I'm getting back at it today though! I'm excited to be back!! Join us tomorrow for our Free For ALL Friday party!


  1. As the saying goes "Been there done that" was sick with it twice Nov. and beginning of Jan. Get plenty of rest, my daughter's turned into pluresy of course it did't help that she had it over Christmas...no rest then!
    Always enjoy your posts!

  2. Great tips and I am so glad that you are feeling better! Had that icky stuff right before Christmas, no fun!!

  3. I just started remembering the refrigerator handle this past year! Great suggestions and hope you are 100%!

  4. Glad you're feeling better!! January just seems to be a sick month for everyone!!!

  5. Yikes, I hope you feel better! Thanks for the tips....I've got a sick husband!


  6. Glad you are feeling better. I was sick too and it stayed with me for days. I started feeling better this week. Have a great week :)

  7. Glad you are feeling better!

  8. I do the same thing, I also keep a can of Lysol out when we are sick and spray the area the person is sitting when they get up for any reason. So glad you are feeling better, I have been pretty lucky so far.


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