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I've received the "One Lovely Blog" Award!

Thanks to Tara Being Tara.
Her blog is SO SASSY, so check it out HERE
Tara Being Tara
These are the rules:
1. Thank and link back to the person that gave you this award.
2. Share 7 things about yourself.
3. Pass the award to at least 4 fellow bloggers who inspire you.
4. Let them know you gave them an award.
SO... here we go!
1. Thanks TARA! I love your Sassy Site! xoxo
2. Are you sure that you want to know 7 things about me? First, my real name is Marni... not Sassy!LOL! I am addicted to facebook, I was a rockstar volleyball player in high school, I own a vinyl lettering side business, I have 3 kids... 2 living, I have never tasted lobster or shrimp, my husband is my bestest friend!
3. I pass this award on to:
Congrats to these SASSY bloggers!


1 Stephanie Rose said...

Way to go!!!!

2 Stephanie - My Frugal Lifestyle said...

Thank you so much Sassy! I mean, Marni! Hee Hee! I'm totally psyched about you giving me an award! Yeah!

3 Tara @ Tara Being Tara said...

Marni, do you know that your "real" name is no where else on this blog?!? I couldn't find it anywhere!!!

4 Unknown said...

Wow! THanks so much! This means a lot to me - especially coming from someone who has a blog like this! Awesome!