I just received an email from a past vinyl customer and she attached these pictures. I am so happy with the way these turned out! My vinyl machine cuts 24" tall, and since this order was double that size, she had to piece this together... I can't even tell! Great job, Marty!
I love the gold and black together! It looks super elegant.
I always LOVE when I get emails from past projects!
This one just made my day!!
This one just made my day!!
Here are some other examples of what you can do
I love them ALL!!
I think I'm going to need a few more walls...

Awesome! Made my day to see this!! :) Marty
I love these. Could I buy one of these from you? Do you sell them on your vinyl site?
cheriebakow@hotmail.com Please let me know. I am interested in the 3rd one down :-D
Yes, I do sell them! Email me at choosethewriting@hotmail.com. Let me know what size and color you want. YAY!!
Awesome picture! It really looks great!
Family is a great reason for some vinyl!! :)
I like the gold and the black too - looks great!
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