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Organizing SMALL spaces... makes a BIG difference!

How's everyone doing in our
I've had tons of fun so far and accomplished alot too!

Today, I decided I would go on a little excursion around my house and organize a few small spaces. I donated, threw away, and straightened! I always love to see a small space clean, tidy, and organized!
 playroom books & movies
my scrapbook paper
office caddy
 the kid's craft shelf 
office bookshelf

master bedroom closet shelves

Even if you just have time to do some small spaces in your home, go for it! Sometimes I know I only have an hour while the boys are at preschool, so I just start somewhere. Today only took about 1 1/2 hours to organize, disinfect, and throw/donate!
not bad.
 not bad at all.
*have you been linking up your progress?*


DandoisLion DeLights said...

I did 3 kitchen cupboards today. Two of them were REALLY bad. I can't wait to get them linked up tomorrow. You'll be impressed!!

Megan said...

I did my linen/hall closet today and I have so much empty space in my closet now, makes me feel GREAT!

Leanne said...

It all looks so great. Empty shelves? You're amazing! I love this time of year. I feel like we're all on the same page and helping and encouraging each other.

Kelli W said...

I have started really small with my organizing. I just put all my magazines in order by month so they are easier to find. Now on to more difficult tasks...like the playroom!

Roz said...

Oh my goodness, gracious how I LOVE your blog and your theme! I am going to follow you as soon as I finish commenting here. I also have a blog hop on Thursdays through the week on anyway that we are freshening up, cleaning up, and purifying our lives in ANY way. I wish you'd come over and link up one of your posts on organizing and cleaning up stuff . . . and follow back if you like!d All the best, Roz over at la bella vita

Angie said...

Great job with the extra organizing!