I'm troubled.
Not just because
I don't know how to use
From what I've heard, it's great.
That's why I'm troubled.
Who needs Sassy Sites
Who needs Sassy Sites
when you've got pinterest?
Aren't they the same thing?
All your favorite things
organized into one place.
Will you still need me?
(insert sad face and pouty lip here)

Aren't they the same thing?
All your favorite things
organized into one place.
Will you still need me?
(insert sad face and pouty lip here)

If you need an invite, send me your email address. I'll get you one! :) Then you can join the Pinterest Party I'm cohosting!
send me your email, I'll get an invite to you! So addicting!
I haven't had luck with sending out invites, so if you don't get one, let me know. I think I know someone that still has an invitation code that works!!
It is fun. You will love it!
I love my pinterest, but I still have to check my blogs so I STILL NEED YOU!
I agree with you and just mentioned it in my FB status last night. I'm on Pinterest and enjoy it but have been kind of discouraged by the lack of comments some of my posts get even though they're pinned many times. It seems people just pin the picture, add a caption to it and call it a day. They're no longer taking the time to add a comment to the actual blog post. My one post was pinned over 350 times but that isn't reflected in my comments!! Plus, people see the item pinned on somebody else's board and just repin it straight from Pinterest. They never have to visit your site so none of that is reflected in Google Analytics. : (
I agree with Natalie! I got on Pinterest to pin links for myself, not necessarily for others. It does seem to have changed blog interaction and seems far less personal. Have you heard of this new tribe thing? All weekend, I kept seeing the same posts tweeted by different people all b/c they belong to the same tribe-type thing. Hmmmmm. Not sure I'm liking all this. Anyway, Sassy Sites is great and I hope it can continue!!! Thanks for all you do!
Love Laurie from Scene of the Grime
If it weren't for great blogs, like this one, there wouldn't be anything to pin to my pinterest boards. Keep it up!
I agree also! I couldn't understand why my comments dropped off so much despite the fact that I have had a huge increase in pageviews lately. I much prefer the personal interaction...and yeah the tribe idea is crazy for me...it's completely annoying to see the same thing over and over again!
The biggest reason that I joined pintrest was to clear out my dang favorites bar and have a place where all of my favorite things (aka BLOG POSTS) can be found FOREVER, even if I don't have my computer! And these pinterests have to start from somewhere... if there weren't great sites out there (AHEM), pinterest wouldn't exist!
I enjoy pintrest as an organization tool (so easy to keep track of all those ideas) but I still loves blogs to find the ideas. You have a great blog and I love visiting it.
I totally agree with Nicole and use Pinterest for the same reason!!
I totally agree.. I was pretty surprised to find some of my ideas PINNED - and not commented on!! Please keep posting - I love reading about the new things on your blog!! I still need you :)
Totally girlfriend, I get your frustration, and I think that many people will simply pin things they see, and never visit the blog. However I actually don't know if this is any different from people bookmarking things before, I doubt they left comments then either.
I pin a TON of stuff, since finding Pinterest I feel like I'm in heaven, I have incredible inspiration, and it's so neatly organized. I do however like to interact with people on there, and I've found several awesome blogs and have left them comments, to let them know I found them through Pinterest.
I have no idea what tribe is, and dont' want to either, lol. Although I love pinterest, I wouldn't give up my bloggy friends for anything. I love the LOVE we all give each other, and getting to know you gals. You just can't get that through pinterest. So keep up all that you do girl!!
Chin up girl, and no more frowny faces. :)
Bella :)**AMAZE ME AUGUST** @ Bella Before and After
Wow, I never thought of that sort of thing happening. I like the organization of it. I was surprised to see that I've been pinned. Not sure if they've commented since I haven't had time to check it out.
I will always come by here and other blogs because I like the interaction. That's why many of us blog, so I guess we better stick together and make more of an effort to keep commenting.
Tracy Screaming Sardine
I am a very slack "pinner" and had NO idea that you could pin blogs/posts/addys- only thought it was for photos that inspired!! Oh my, I will have to go back and relearn it all.
As for the people having disparaging thoughts about lack of comments, I think it might be because of that ignorance that I just mentioned???!
PS there's no way I would trade in your site for pintrest. Nope nope nope:)
For what it is worth I still love & need your blog. Especially since I had never heard of this pinterest site until you posted about it...& let's be honest, I probably won't go back to it again. You're amazing!!
ummm...yay, I'm out of it...dont even know what pinterest is... ?
Never heard of it either... and just went to look at it and it gave me a headache... too much... and to confusing. Sticking to blogs... no worries for you.
I think blogs took a hit with the onslaught of FB. There's always something new. I say keep at it. I'm not terribly certain what all Pinterest does, but I don't think there are tutorials or giveaways involved - and that's what I look for most. Mostly the tutorials. ;)
I love your site, wouldn't trade you for pinterest. But, I did just grab your email from your profile and send you an invite. Happy pinning, and let me know if you don't get it - info@funandfreesouthflorida.com
I would say that all these comments prove that people still love your blog! I am addicted to Pinterest. All the ideas inspire me, but there's something so much better about an actual blog!
PS. Hope to see you on Pinterest soon ;)
I need you dear Sassy... because you are a friend and Pinterest is just a page and it's doesn't write lovely comments on my post!
Don't worry, I pin from time to time but I wouldn't miss my blog-reading:-)
Please don't stop what you are doing. I use pintereset only a little - it is so overwhelming and I don't always have great luck; I love seeing what you post on your blog so please, please, don't stop!
Marni, we do need you!! I joined Pinterest and have no idea what to do with it or how to use it. You know me, I'm still trying to figure this whole Facebook fan page out! Lol!
Totally not the same thing! :) Pinterest is pretty pictures. Sassy Sites is pretty pictures AND interaction! ;)
I often pin things I find on blogs like Sassy Sites....so don't worry. You aren't being replaced.
I don't use Pintrest at all. I would much rather blog surf through fun blogs, like yours. It makes my day at work go faster. hehe
Yeah I don't even use Pintrest, it's cool and all but I'd rather stick to surfing blogs the "old school" way! So no worries, I WON'T forget you! No way! No how! :)
I enjoy the personal visit to your blog. I'll still link up here! Pinterest is great, but not very comment friendly. I'm here to stay girlfriend!
We definitely still need you! You and your site are who we pin :)
Okay, I agree with all the above, I love pinterest for the pictorial bookmarking it lets me do, but I scan blogs to get the things to pin! I try to remember to comment on anything I pin, but ah well. And we're a new enough blog that we've NEVER gotten many comments even when we get lots of page views. Pinterest is one of our top referring sites too, so there's a plus :)
I still need sites like yours, I love to read blogs in my google reader it is like my own personalized Everything Magazine. I post comments often when I read a post that calls my attention.
I do have pinterest and now will post comments to sites more when I glance through pinterest. I am so glad you wrote this post and brought it to my attention to comment on sites I find on pinterest too.
Thanks for a great site I like it very much.
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