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Sassy Sunday Spotlight

I am so excited to introduce you to our next top spot for the week...
 Isn't she adorable! Kalie says "I have a passion for everything crafty, but since I have limited space on my blog, I narrow it down to: scrapbooking, invitation design, photography, decorating in general, children’s activities (anything for my 3-year old daughter, Raegan!), and holiday décor – whew!"
Kalie is a mom, a wife, a crafter, photographer, and decorator!
What is your favorite thing to CRAFT?
"Oh boy…my favorite thing to CRAFT, well I guess I really don’t have one. If I see something I like, I try to make it. I’m all over the place I guess. LOL! Right now I’ve got my eyes on a few fun projects—from a home makeover {I have a notebook full of ideas}, to furniture refurbishing{my garage is stacked with furniture waiting for me}, to working on Little Miss’ bday party…oh which I must admit isn’t ‘til October…LOL {mermaids mermaids mermaids}. Now just to find the time to do it!"
WHY do you love blogging?
"I just {heart} the blogging world. There are SO many talented and creative people out there sharing their wonderful ideas. It just inspires me to do the same. I’m just happy to create along with them and share what I’ve been up to. So, thank you for joining me on my journey!"
Some of the top posts from Pink Ink Doodle are:
One for sure would have to be Little Miss’ 3rd Birthday Party – {Alice in Wonderland 3rd Birthday}. I worked really hard to make everything from the invites to all the party décor. It was a ton of fun, and the Birthday Girl and all her guests had a wonderful time!


Be sure to head over the Pink Ink Doodle and become a follower!
Her blog is super cute!!! I hope everyone has a fabulous and relaxing Sunday.

 I will be at meetings.


1 Delaney said...

Hooray! I'll be sure to check out her blog!

2 Unknown said...

How wonderful to find so many fabulous creatives. I get so inspired when I see fun, pretty projects like these.

Bella Vida by Letty
Have a great day.

3 Pink Ink Doodle said...

THANK YOU SO MUCH! Its SO crazy seeing a WHOLE post about me. Still on cloud nine about it. Thank you again! Kalie