
FFA and A Time Out!

Happy Friday!! I've been counting down the days
 until this weekend came because...
I am here ALL weekend!!!
My AMAZING mom surprised us by purchasing tickets for each of her daughters/daughter in laws. And not just the tickets for Time Out, she also reserved us a hotel room, so we could FULLY enjoy our "time out" ALL weekend! She's the BEST, I told ya! We are enjoying a much needed TIME OUT from "life". My mom and sisters are seriously some of my BESTEST friends in the whole wide world and I am so happy to spend 2 FULL days with them, being uplifted! No top spot this week and no shout outs, but I will feature some of my favorites next week! :)
Join the FFA and have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Wow, what a wonderful surprise! I hope you all have a great time.

    Thanks so much for having me today. happy weekend!

    Best wishes,

  2. I hope you all have a great "time out"!

    Tracy Screaming Sardine

  3. Oh! That sounds like such a good time!!! My mom, sisters, and daughter are my best friends too! Have a wonderful time this weekend! ~ Barbara

  4. Thanks for hosting Marni! Enjoy your Time Out!! :)

  5. I love Friday's! Hope you girls have a nice time out weekend...

    Jeanna @ dramaqueenseams.blogspot.com

  6. What a great idea Marni! Everyone needs an occasional time out. I'm sorry I entered my link twice (#155 & 156) thinking it didn't work the first time. Delete one if you wish!

    -caroline @ c.w.frosting

  7. I can't wait, our TOFW is next weekend! Woohoo!

    I just found your site and am so excited about it! I just linked up a couple weeks worth of projects we've completed at Over the Big Moon! I hope you have a chance to check them out!

    Take Care,

    Pam from www.overthebigmoon

  8. Thanks for hosting this link party!


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