
...where children create!

See the world through our childrens’ eyes,
 a world they had a hand in creating.

The International Children’s Gallery is a new online art gallery for displaying the artwork of children aged 0-13 yearsa dedicated space for showcasing the imagination and creativity of our children, at home and at school. 
Easel Work Age Group: 3-5 School: Project P.L.A.Y. School Country: United States of America
From drawings to painting, craft and poetry this lovingly curated gallery helps children to develop a new sense of pride about their beautiful work and to feel like a famous artist!
Gioconda <br /><strong>Artist:</strong> María Zegers Alliende <br /><strong>Age Group:</strong> 9-13 <br /><strong>Country:</strong> Chile
Uploading artwork is quick and easy – you can upload photographs of your children's artwork 'in a jiffy', in just three simple steps, and they will be so excited to see their pictures in a gallery!
Leaves by Vincent Artist: Vincent W. Age Group: 6-8 School: Queen Elizabeth Country: Canada
Until now, the gallery has been open to kids in Ireland only. Created by Irish mom Michelle McInerney, out of a love for the joy and innocence of her own 5 year old daughter's drawings, the international gallery has now been born.
Vision of Kenya painting <br /><strong>Artist:</strong> 5th Class St Patrick's School <br /><strong>Age Group:</strong> 9-13 <br /><strong>School:</strong> st patrick's girls school <br /><strong>Country:</strong> Ireland
"I hope that parents, fellow mummy bloggers :) and teachers from all over the world will embrace, support and enjoy this great project. Every child’s voice will be heard – no matter what the language."

Sincere Thanks!
Children's Gallery

To learn more please visit the
 International Children’s Gallery. 

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