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FFA Friday Flashback

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It's almost Friday! I celebrated a birthday this week and it's got me thinking! I remember when I was little, I would wait A.L.L. week for Friday night 7:00pm. Two fulls hours of pure goodness! For every kid growing up in the 90s at least one show from TGIF was a part of your weekly routine!
One of my favorites was
Boy Meets World
Family Matters
and another...
Perfect Strangers
but most of all, I LOVED...
Full House

Bringing back memories??

The shows seemed to switch around some, adding in a few different ones like Step by Step, Hangin with Mr. Cooper, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Sister Sister and Dinosaurs...to name a few! One that I'm not 100% sure of is Saved By the Bell
was this an actual TGIF show or just a popular one in the 90's? Seriously, MY FAVE!!! Awww! It seems like yesterday! Alright, now that I am feeling old because my kids just told me that they have NO clue what any of these shows are... let's PARTY, shall we! LINK UP anything that you've been doing and I would love to hear your favorite 1990 memories in the comment section too! ;)

Also if you would like to see more of my younger year favorites, check out my PINTEREST page "remember when"
{like it's 1990}


Tami Michel said...

Marni, Thank you for hosting :)
Tami @ Curb Alert!

Randi~Dukes and Duchesses said...

I forgot all about Boy Meets World! I love The Wonder Years and I've been watching reruns lately ... I'm hooked all over again!

Deana said...

Thanks for hosting:)

Unknown said...

I watched every single one of those. I would also add Growing Pains and Charles in Charge to that list. Thanks so much for hosting Marni! Have a great weekend.

Kristi said...

I often think fondly of TGIF as well. I really do wish that there were a wholesome block of family shows on network tv these days.

Moira-Lin said...

My kids will watch Full House re-runs whenever it's on TV now. They just don't make new shows like the old ones anymore. Those were the best! I used to love Mork and Mindy and Cosby Show too! Those may have been before the 90's though.

Amy C said...

I loved those shows too! I think Saved by the Bell was on Saturday mornings, but I'm not sure. It was one of my favorites for sure tho. Thanks for hosting the link party!

The Thriftiness Miss said...

Thanks for hosting another great party :) Always enjoyable and gets my idea gears going!

I'm a total 90's kid as well... I think because of that gnome cartoon on Nickelodeon I now have a love of garden gnomes. I also looooved Double Dare, Are you Afraid of the Dark, Blossom, and Where in the World is Carmen San Diego.. :)

ANNE said...

thanks for the party Marni! Have a fabulous weekend,

PJ @ Planned in Pencil said...


b.) I watched every single one of those shows, and had a total geek fest when I realized Elton from Clueless is on Suburgatoria... and this weeks episode had a guest appearance by Alicia Silverstone!

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting Marni! And oh my goodness, cutest business card EVER Lolly Jane twins!!! Hope you have a great weekend at home...I'm bumming a bit, too!!

XO, Aimee

cgammeter said...

Hi Marni: I linked up an unusual project, if you have the time check out the Trophy Mount. Thanks for having me, I hope you have a great weekend.

Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things} said...

Thank you so much for hosting the party, Marni! :)
I'm with Randi - I LOVED the wonder years. Time to watch it again. Haha
Vanessa @ {nifty thrifty things}

Katherines Corner said...

Hugs and happy belated birthday xo

Katherines Corner said...

Thank you for the linky my friend( double the comments today! one from each of my blogs) Sending belated birthday wishes and hugs. Hoping you get your birthday wish! xo

Unknown said...

Thanks for hosting another great party this week. 1990, Oh My! I am trying to remember, Lol. I loved Full House and my kids totally loved it. Yes, my kids are old enough to remember it, so be glad you are still young enough that you kiddos don't remember it. Hope you had a great birthday!!

Unknown said...

Just fouynd you and your party, can't wait to look around some. Those TV shows bring back so many good memories, I wish they still had shows like that on now for my kids to watch. Thanks for hosting and have a great weekend!

Katherines Corner said...

forgot to mention I watched these shows with my daughter :-)

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday!
I watched all of those shows too! Saved by the Bell aired Sat mornings!
I’m so happy to be linking up again this week, thanks so much for hosting…Happy Friday!

Unknown said...

Happy Belated birthday!!! :) I loved all of these shows! Well, most of them... You have a couple on there I never saw. I don't remember Saved by the Bell being on TGIF... But maybe?

Kym said...

Happy belated birthday! I just celebrated my birthday this week too, and like you I also lived for TGIF as a kid. And my favorite was Full House too! I think I wanted to be DJ Tanner. We must have been separated at birth, I tell ya. Thanks for the great little flash back and for hosting the party :)


Pams Party said...

I also looked forward to all the great Friday night shows and I was in my 20s in the 90s. LOL!! Saved by the Bell was a Saturday morning show, but I think they might shown Saved by the Bell the college years on Friday night. That only lasted on season. Happy Belated Birthday!

Karla Do More said...

My younger brother and I were talking about this a few weeks ago. I miss the 90s. Great shows on TV. Many of them now are too "grown up" or just plain crap.

Can't stand all the reality crap people watch these days.

I enjoyed watching Boy meets world, growing pains, and full house. I was never really a fan of Saved by the bell.

I feel like tracking down my favorites online now lol

Unknown said...

Thanks for the blast from the past!! I loved the 90s!!
