
Sunday Spotlight

Introducing Kyla from ...

she says:

"Hi! I'm Kyla and I'm a former 2nd grade teacher turned SAHM that is the creative lunatic behind Funky PolkaDot Giraffe. When I started Funky PolkaDot Giraffe over 2 years ago I was making burp cloths and diaper/wipe caddies. I only had a little boy and didn't have much need for bows or clips. I chose the name Funky PolkaDot Giraffe because my son ADORES giraffes and I love polka dots and we're a little funky, so it fit us perfectly! When I found out in June of 2008 that I was having a girl my wheels started turning and I started making bows. I started with korkers and it has evolved from there."
She is SO stinkin' crafty! She's a super cute mom with adorable kids!

Don't you just love how the dress and tie match! Do you like the flower headband? She's posted a tutorial for it HERE. She makes everything, from handbags to burp clothes.

I love THIS handbag... yum, damask!

Check out THIS fancy flower


THESE monkey clips are too cute!


I love THIS adorable flower

THIS is a super cute tutu!

... and she sells her cute stuff in her ESTY shop too! Where does she keep all? Kyla recently did a makeover on her craft room. Look at all that yummy material!

Thank you, Kyla for letting me inside of your life for a couple of minutes! You family is adorable and your crafts are SO SASSY!! You can contact Kyla HERE or email her at funkypolkadotgiraffe {@} gmail.com

**don't forget to grab her button**


Wait, there's one more thing.

Did you know that Kyla does cupcakes too?

She does.

Check out her cupcake blog!


*want to be a Sunday Spotlight? Email me at ChooseTheWriting {@} hotmail.com*


  1. I absolutely love that tote bag! and her bows are simply adorable! Thanks for spotlighting her.

  2. I love cupcakes, thanks for featuring her!

  3. The dress and flower headband are the cutest things EVER.

    I found your blog on Think of me Thursday (sorry it's so late)! Have a great Sunday!

  4. Thanks for all the love! It's awesome!


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