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Candy Corn on the Cob

Made by ME Monday!

This is what we did when we got home from church today! We had SO much fun with this! I have to admit thought, I borrowed the stick of butter (for the picture) from a neighbor and we borrowed the corn skewers too! My kids had fun running from house to house! I saw this idea HERE, and knew I had to try it!

Supplies Needed:
leftover Halloween Candy Corn
leftover Halloween frosting
yellow starburst or laffy laffy

I cut my candy corns, so just the top was left. If I do it again
... next time I will use yellow jelly beans!

add a yellow laffy taffy on top for the butter, and you have yourself a good 'ol Thanksgiving Corn on the Cob! It's the kind I like, anyway! :)

My kids LOVED doing this!!
okay, so did I!   :)


1 Ready Set Create said...

Super cute!! I love it, It looks just like corn on the cob! this is a must try! Thanks for sharing!

2 stephaniegiese said...

Oh that is just adorable. I don't even want to know the nutritional content, but I love making desserts that look like other food!! (cookie hamburgers, white chocolate fried eggs, etc) My husband thinks it's weird, but I think it's awesome. His birthday is this Friday, I might make a few of these as a little joke.

3 the cape on the corner said...

ridiculously adorable! love it!

4 Moe said...

Oh my this is so cute! Great for when the candy corn is on sale!

5 Anne Maskell said...

That is so cute! I bet your kids had a hoot making them. I'm visiting from keep it simple, and I'd love to have you visit me too!

6 Erin said...

Oh my gosh! So totally cute!!!

7 Katherine said...

That is soooo cute! Very creative! Found you at TCB. Would love for you to share this on my link party too!


8 Kyra @ RACKS and Mooby said...

So cute!! Looks pretty real! Nice!

9 Michelle L. said...

Hilarious and adorable!

10 Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

This looks like so much fun! Thanks for linking up at the Catwalk! I'll be featuring it in the morning :)