
we love our bus driver!

This is a SUPER simple, inexpensive, and CUTE gift idea for our wonderful bus driver!
I found these cute pencil cases at Joanne's the other day for 60% off!
We filled it with chocolate (cuz who doesn't need a little chocolate?)
We tied a polka dot ribbon and a note to it!
 I thought it would be perfect for a quick gift idea for our fabulous bus driver who gets my cute kindergartner to school everyday!


  1. totally cute! i didn't know logan had to ride the bus! how fun! my kids would LOVE to get to ride the bus. i finally had to convince them that our van was an awesome "bus". ;)

  2. How nice that you thought of doing something for the bus driver, too! I think this is so adorable!

    I featured this on my "things I like thursday" post today, come & check it out!

    :) Sarah

  3. Love it! So creative!

  4. I don't think my first comment went through. Just wanted to let you know that this is such a cute idea! I also wanted to let you know that In the Looop is having a back to school link up and I think you should add this! http://ruinthelooop.blogspot.com/2011/08/wanted-back-to-school-projects.html
    Jen @ Scissors & Spatulas


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