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{Happy Friday}
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Last night, my boys were able to participate in their school Spring Sing. It's a night when they get dressed in their Sunday Best and show off what they've been working on in music class. Neither of my boys are ever very excited to go, but their mother makes them do this twice a year! ;) Here's them before the show started.
 Jackson will celebrate his 11th birthday next Friday. He has always been the "biggest kid" on every team and the "tallest kid" in all of his classes. He has friends galore and people surround him because he is so much fun! He can be a tough-guy but always has a soft heart! We just LOVE him so much!
 Logan is 6 years old and is the true "baby" of the family! When he wants something...anything, he gets it. Chocolate milk for breakfast, ice cream for dinner, whatever Logan wants! LOL!! That's actually how some people would perceive it! He is a funny boy and constantly makes us laugh!! He recently lost his first tooth and is saving his tooth fairy money for a new quad. (I haven't told him yet that he could be saving for a few years!)
I feel so blessed to be the MOM of these two sweet boys! They are such a gift and a light in my life! Being a MOM is the greatest blessing any woman could ever hope and wish for. When someone asks me what I do for a living, I am always proud to say that
I AM A Stay at Home MOM and I love it!
Let's Party!
Go and HUG your kids and have a wonderful weekend!!


Moira-Lin said...

Jackson and Logan are so handsome! I just love those boys! :)

Deana said...

Thanks so much for hosting, hope you have a wonderful weekend:)

Little Becky Homecky said...

Thank you so much for hosting! Have a wonderful day!!:)

Katherines Corner said...

What handsome boys!Happy Weekend wishes my sweet bloggy friend. Thank you for the linky xo

Katherines Corner said...

more hugs and smooches from my other blog too

Anonymous said...

Such handsome boys! Found you through another hop, so glad I did! Thanks for hosting!
Life with our Family

Unknown said...

I'm a new follower and linking up for the first time! I would love it if you checked out my ceramic tile coasters! Thank you for hosting and have a great weekend!

Grandma Carla said...

Could those two boys be any cuter?! No, I think NOT!! Adorable! You are cute too.

Unknown said...

Such handsome guys!
Thanks for hosting the party!

~Claire~ said...

Being a SAHM is the most rewarding (and most challenging) job I have every had!! Thanks for sharing :)

Naptime Review said...

Thanks for hosting! I am a new follower. Great ideas for teacher gifts! Stop by when you get a chance!

I am hosting my first ever blog hop on Monday for moms. Hope you can link up!


Bastian Family said...

I can't believe how big Logan and Jackson are getting. Remember when Logan and Tyler "shared" toys in RS....miss those days. Where do your boys go to school? We are trying to move back to AZ and looking for suggestions.