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Caterpillar Crafts

How cute is this Very Hungry Caterpillar from Craft Blog. She has simple instructions on how to make it over at her blog!

Family Fun made this cute caterpillar using foam craft circles and foam balls.

this one is similar...
Can Do Kids Crafts made this one out of foam circles and sponges.

Projects for Preschoolers made this simple caterpillar just using contruction paper

Beth made this adorable handprint caterpillars... too cute!

Kimberly Chapman knit her darling caterpillar... I only wish I was this talented!

Lesson Sense made this fun worksheet for the kids to do. Add a sticker dot to match the number...

HERE is the printable!

Our Crafts-N-Things made this one out of an egg carton. Love it!

I think she did a great job at making it looks just like the book!

1 comment:

Polly @ Pieces by Polly said...

Wow! These are so fun! I've got a cute caterpillar craft here:
