

Welcome back to FFA!
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week and especially a fantastic summer! We are having SO much fun! If I was a better mom, I would have my camera strapped to my hip. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't taken even one picture. Better luck next week! ;)
I decided to switch up the buttons a bit. Feel free to grab a new Sassy BUTTON!

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Just in case you've missed any of our summer party posts...
*2,000 Summer Activities
*An Organized Summer
*Recipes for GOO, gak and slime
*Camping in your own backyard
...and now my favorites from last week!

Balancing Home
bedroom makeover
Striped girls room w/DIY projects
Ginger Snap Crafts
DIY cupcake stand
cupcake stand #WalmartPlaid
porch makeover

Freaking Craft
tissue paper table

The Money Pit
powder room makeover

Second Chance to Dream
porch swing

Knot All That I Seam
numbered nesting tables

Nifty Thrifty Things
DIY fabric garland

Joyful Homemaking
covered patio makeover

I am LOVING the summer porches!!
Let's see what you've been up to this week!
{anything goes}
Have a GREAT Friday!


  1. yippee! happy to be here my friend xo

  2. Yay! Thank you so much for the feature and for hosting another fun party! :)
    xo! Vanessa

  3. Marni, thanks for hosting!

  4. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful weekend!

  5. Thank you for featuring my nesting tables this week Marni! Such a lovely surprise. x Julie

  6. Thanks for featuring my cushion covers for my porch!
    What a sa-weet treat!

  7. I'm so glad you liked my powder room! And thanks so much for hosting such a great party!

  8. Thank you sooooo much for featuring my swing! I really appreciate and thanks for hosting such a great party every week. Have a GREAT weekend!

  9. thank you so much for the feature!!! and for hosting. i hope you have a lovely weekend!

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